Hello dear
Understand your concern.
I think it is blocked sebaceous h=gland that produce cyst
Do not pop up that cause infection and abcess.
Apply warm compression and after become soft squeeze it and apply neosporin/Bcitracin powder to prevent infections
Following are the other cause of lump in vagina:
skene's duct cyst
Blocked hair follicle
Blocked sweat gland
Fordyce cyst
Molluscum contagium
Bartholin cyst: rare
All this cyst are pain less and harmless generally.
Do not pop up , it causes infection and bleeding
But if it is very large and assosiated with pain,
dysuria, fever, itching , redness and foul smelling
vaginal discharge.
You should think about STDs and would like to test for STDs and
And consult to doctor for
drainage and take antibiotics.
Also maintain hygiene and keep the area dry.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar