Hi dear. I am your physician, having a vast years long experience in the field of General Surgery, psychiatry, Radiotherapy, OB/GYN, Internal Medicine, Ottorhinolaryngology and Nutrition and
weight loss, and Pain Management. I have carefully gone through your case and in my expert opinion you need not to worry as you are right now. This lump has nothing to do with
numbness of toe nor is it related to that incident. Also
dysplasia has nothing to do with knee lump.
But as you have a positive family history for cancer, you must pay attention to it and go for its check Up done as soon as possible.
If u wanna wait, keep an eye on size shape and texture of the lump. If anything regarding the lump changes, you need to rush and get it checked because that may be an early signa of cancer.
Hope you get better soon.
Dr. Hanif
Philadelphia USA