Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. It is good that you have carefully observed dangerous
head injury signs and they are absent in your case. The signs are like
loss of consciousness, persistently increasing headache, onset of new focal deficit, bleed through nose/ear/throat.
The swelling at injury site occurs due to blood collection and inflammation in scalp layers. This leads to bruising, tenderness and swelling. It usually heals on its own in 10-14 days. No need to worry. To fasten relief, you can follow few tips:
: Apply icepacks.
: You can take painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription. It reduces swelling along with pain as it is anti-inflammatory also.
: Avoid pressure at swelling
: Keep it at higher level than chest
: If still no relief in symptoms and swelling present even after 14 days,
consult doctor to rule out collection or abscess.
: Do not repeatedly touch it.
Thanks. Hope it will help you. Take care.