yes i am a 35 yr old female, smoker, and i had a stroke when i was 17 yrs old. (blood clot ) up and behind right ear.... the hospital i was took to... couldnt locate the clot until about a week after i was there. wasnt gave no blood thinners or anything that whole week i was there until they ran a test... cant remember which one it was,,, it was either with or without contrast is when they finally found it... and thats when they started appolgizing about saying i was faking for attention... any who..... and now for the past three days ive had head pressure attacks come on in the back of my head that goes bout where my temple is on the right side of my head (same side blood clot was on) the pressure also comes with dizziness and a warming sensation in the back of head. any ideas on possibilties or do ya think the stroke caused other possibilities?