Thank you for asking on HCM!
Regarding your concern, I would like to explain that your symptoms may be related to a stroke.
The headache after sneezing may be related to a raise in the intracranial pressure or to
sinus infection, but the numbness in your arm and the sensory changes are very concerning for a possible stroke.
It is known that a congenital cardiac defect (like patent foram ovale)can lead to
cardiac embolism to the brain during straining physical activity (sneezing, coughing,
constipation, etc.)
From the other hand a small
intracranial hemorrhage from a small vessel malformation rupture could also mimic this clinical scenario.
I recommend you to go to the ER and consult with the
neurologist for a careful physical examination and a brain CT scan or MRI to exclude the above mentioned possibilities.
Hope to have been of help!
Best regards,
Dr. Aida