Hi I am 16 years old. I weigh 125 pounds and I have a height of 5 feet 10 inches. Today i took two 50 mg Vyvanse around 4:00pm. I had nothing to eat. I drank 2 liters of Mountain Dew and about a quarter liter or more of Sundrop soda through out the day from 11:30am up until 7:00pm then just water. Around 8:30/9:00pm ish. I started to clean my room and I washed some ashtrays. (Really gross by the way.) Then around 11:00pm I started to get a headache, my stomach started to hurt, and i got a dry mouth oh and my vision was blurry and i mean really blurry. (Note: I have always had bad eye sight and I never ware my glasses and don't have contacts also my vision changed from far sighted to near sighted around the age 13 but at that time I was prescribed to Concerta.) Anyway I started to get a worse headache after finishing cleaning the ashtrays around 11:15 so I took 2 extra strength Tylenol. About 15 to 20 minutes later it all went down hill I felt horrible. I didn't want to move. My heart was racing, I started looking things up about Tylenol and then about Vyvanse. I was about to try to scream to my mom downstairs that I was dieing then I felt like I was going to throw up so I ran across the hall to the bathroom and indeed I thru up I then brushed my teeth and went back to my room feeling a little bit better but I still have a bad headache and my vision is horrible my stomach is not as bad as it was before but it still hurts (note: I just remembered that it is summer and I am only suppose to take my Vyvanse for events,holidays,ect also I was a dumb ass trying to stay awake,clean, and play Xbox 360 all night so I abused my pills and got sick. I have learned my lesson and wont do it again. That shit was scary!!!) I also notice I have been taking longer doing things and trying to get them perfect. For example I started this question/statement awaiting a reply. Sense I started looking up Tylenol and Vyvanse around 11:30pm and its 1:35am. So um. Is there a serious medical problem I should watch out for? Is there something I should do about this? or is this just something I don't need to worry about?