Hello, I am 14-15 and Here is the story. Yesterday, I was rollerblading at a moderate pace, where when I looked down to tie up one of my laces and I happened to headbut into a parked car on the side of the road. When I fell, I couldnt breathe for a couple of seconds, but then I recovered. I put ice, and now there is only a little bit of swelling. Today, I have a slight headache, and when I lie down, I can feel my heartbeat in my head sometimes. I also have some neck and chest pain, and I feel pretty tired and sleepy. I hit the top of my head, I dont feel nauseas, no blurry vision. I retained conciousness, and I was still able to walk. No memory loss, only a slight headache, and a sore body. THe day before that, I was forced to run through rain, so it could be a flu. Anyways, should I get this checked out, is the headahce or the fact that I can feel my heartbeat in my head sometimes serious? I wiegh 135, and 169 cm. I have hit my head before, but I have never lost conciousness or had a concussion. This hit is probably the biggest one I have had only head