The follow are symptoms my husband has been complaining about: • Headaches • Tingling on the left side of his face and sometimes along his leg, but not sure which leg • Left side eye watering along with some blurred vision • Lightheaded • Dizziness on occasion • Itchiness on the top and sides of his head • Neck and back pain In the past, he has been to see our GP, a cardiologist, as well as a neurologist and has had an MRI and CT scan of the brain, but nothing was found to be causing these symptoms. Upon a recent trip to North Carolina, a tick was found on his torso; he was given a series of antibiotics for lime disease. I know that he has been experiencing some of the above symptoms for quite some time prior to the tick bite, but not certain if the symptoms of tingling and itchiness have cropped up since his NC trip. I am hoping someone can recommend what type of doctor or tests that can be conducted to find out what the problem is that is making him feel “lousy” all the time. Any and all assistance and information that could be provided would be greatly appreciated.