Good afternoon. I have severe anxiety disorder and take Ativan 1mg 4-5 times a day. Doesn t seem to be as effective and I have high stress with my job as hospice nurse. I have a 1.6cm adrenal lesion which I have not checked out yet. Waiting for endocrinology appointment. Recently I have high blood pressure as high as 190 systolic and weight gain, crave salt/chips and very much feel like I have adrenaline running through my body and also very fatigued, do not sleep well, awaiting results of sleep apnea test. Primary doc prescribed Adderal 20mg daily to increase energy and fatigue. It s day 3 and I m very tired, heart palpitations, chest pain, breast pain, and headache. Do you think the Adderal is worse for me? It s Sunday so I have not told my doctor yet about the chest symptoms yet..