I am a 54 yo male. I have had hemateospermia for the last 9 months. 90% of the time, the ejaculate contains bright red blood. When it initially happened, my GP put me on Cipro for a month, did a prostate exam (normal) and psa test (normal) and urinalysis (normal). After the Cipro did nothing, I was referred to a urologist. The urologist basically told me there was nothing more to do since I had a normal psa, normal urinalysis and normal prostate and said he thought it would go away, and if it did not in 3 months to return. So, three months later I returned as it did not get better. At this time, I was put on Bactrum DS for one month. As was the case before, the antibiotics did nothing. Because I was also feeling a slight pain in my right testicle, the urologist order an Testicular Ultra-sound (which also proved normal). My urologist says I am really at the end of the road for tests and there is nothing more they can do and that I will probably just have to live with it. Is this right? He offered to do a cystoscopy, but since I do not have any blood in the urine, he was confident that this test would also show normal... I am at wits end. I fell like something is really wrong and it really in not normal for a doctor to say -- just live with it.. but maybe so.. so I was looking for a second opinion. Thank you