Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Preeclampsia is a complication of
pregnancy that develops most commonly at the end- it is a combination of
high blood pressure, swelling, and protein in the urine. No one knows what causes preeclampsia but it goes away after the baby is born. Preeclampsia can become severe- with very high blood pressure and
headaches that can even make the mother have seizures, which can cause problems for her and the baby.
If you only have mildly elevated blood pressure, you may not have preeclampsia yet- but you need to be watched very closely.
You should, if you haven't already, have a urine test to check for protein and blood tests that can also help to diagnose preeclampsia. You may not have it yet- but some doctors recommend inducing labor if you are already over 39 weeks.
If you recently had these tests done and have seen your provider, you do not have to do anything right now- but if you develop a headache, blurry vision or seeing spots, or have
nausea or pain in your upper abdomen you should go to the hospital for evaluation.
In the meantime, try to keep your feet elevated as much as possible. You can have pretty bad swelling when it's hot out and you're on your feet. Monitor the baby's movements and if anything new develops, you should go to the hospital or call your
prenatal care provider.
I hope I adequately answered your question and that my advice was helpful. Do not hesitate to contact me further if you need any clarification or have more questions. You should see a prenatal care provider within a week no matter what.
Best of luck with the pregnancy, Dr. Brown