hypertension is probably due to anxiety and guilt. If the ENT doctor did a
laryngoscopy and looked at the vocal cords, they could see if there was evidence of either infection or of "
reflux laryngitis." So, an type 2 anti-histamine (like ranitidine or famotidine) or
proton pump inhibitor (like omeprazole or pantoprozole) medicine usually helps with the
sore throat from reflux.
It can take up to 6 months to sero-convert from an HIV exposure; in other words, for your body to produce antibodies to HIV that would be detectable on a
blood test. If you were negative after 28 days, that's great; however, you need to be re-tested at 3 months and 6 months.
There are 2 other tests that might give you an answer more quickly. One is a PCR for HIV
Viral Load test, which may detect the RNA of the actual HIV virus, if it is floating around in your blood stream.
Another possibly helpful test is a CD4 and CD8 count, which counts 2 specific subtypes of T-lymphocytes. This is more a measure of whether the HIV virus has adversely affected your T-cells, rather than a count of the virus itself. It is less important in your situation, unless you've had other possible exposures to the virus.
Until you know your HIV status, it is morally and ethically your obligation to wear a condom to protect your wife from receiving HIV from you. Or abstain from having sex with her. It is possible to have the virus, but to not produce antibodies yet (what I said previously about sometimes taking up to 6 months to "seroconvert."). I know these are difficult decisions and conversations to picture having, but the alternative of playing "Russian Roulette" with her life and having unprotected sex with her while gambling on whether or not you have HIV is a horrible thing to knowingly do to your wife. In some jurisdictions, there can be criminal charges to knowingly transmit the virus to a sex partner without telling them that you have it or have been exposed.
See if your doctor can send you for that HIV Viral Load PCR test, or if you can see an Infectious Diseases specialist who can help counsel you on testing, safe sex practices, and helping guide you to appropriate counseling if you need to tell your wife.
Good luck to you.