Hi welcome to HCM
I can understand your concern regarding your high BP,
chest discomfort and breathlessness .
Dear,Your BP , though little higher is not that bad and can be rectified by taking a few precautions .
Your symptoms are outcome of many factors like your faulty food habits and life style ,which harm your immune system , leading towards various discomforts .
I would like to suggest you to modify your life style and food habits
Finding the cause of a problem and removing it , helps find out the quick remedy .
Healthy lifestyle changes, Including fiber ,juicy fruit and veges ,soups essential nutrients , antioxidants and lot of water & Some vitamin supplementation such as
Vitamin B12, and vitamin B5 may be helpful in ruling out these causes.
And for proper blood circulation - regular walk , exercise ,pranayam - Kapalbhati - a soul strengthening exercise , deep breathing - Inhale - Hold - Exhale - Hold ,
Meditation and Shavasan - Vishraam by lying down like a corpse - a resting posture will help alley uneasy sensations and enhance absolute peace of mind .
Food that is high in saturated or trans-fats like fried , fast foods , refined sugars and fine floor products , tea , coffee , alcohol ,
sleeplessness , over medication ,
dehydration ,
constipation , worry ,stress all induce toxins in your body .So avoiding is best solution .
It's still important to see a doctor to ensure it is nothing more serious.
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care , All the best .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query