Its a bit long more of whats going with me in whole. Hi my name is Brenda, To whom it may concern, I have a few questions. I have been suffering from a high white count for more than several years now. They call it Leukocytosis. The doctor I had been seeing tested this finally, came back with a possible diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. She sent me for several test to the hospital. Every time I arrived at the hospital with the doctors orders for certain bone scans they stated there is no such tes, its written out of protocol. They made a call to her to asked why she keeps writing test that they never heard of before. When I went to see her the next time she treated me differently was very upset that I had the hospital call her. I told her I did no such thing. After that she canceled all appointments of stating water main breaks and they would be closed or doctors not in she sick and this continued for a while. I went to the office to question why she is treating me this way, she was there. I was told she was sick yet she was there and would not come out from the back of the office. It was very unprofessional. I told the office staff she gives me a diagnosis of possible cancer then just left me blowing in the wind. Told them I would be looking for a new doctor. Next day received a letter in the mail with false statements about me as a patient. She stated I did not follow any of her orders, that I canceled my appointments and in the letter stating I better find a doctor asap because with my alignments worst case scenario would be death. I still have this letter and orders that were written out of protocol. I found a new Doctor he seemed to be very nice and professional. When I told him what I was going through at my previous doctor he stated she was friend of his and if we were going to have a problem with a patient and doctor friendship maybe we were not suited for each other. I said this has nothing to do with you, letting you know what I have been going through for the last couple years he stated we will start off fresh just with us two and leave my previous doctor out of it. I said fine what are we going to do about this possible diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. He stated that my insurance wont cover it anyway and he is just going to rule that out. I was just like, ok whatever. Frustrated at this point kind of gave up and just submitted to what the doctors told me. In Nov 2013 after telling him all my alignments and what s going on and how I was feeling and he just pushed that a side I ended up in er excessive thirst. My sugar was 901 he was monitoring me for Type 2 Diabetes and new I was not on any insulin but when they treated me he came up there he asked me what type of insulin was I on in front of the doctor and hospital staff. I stated you’re the one observing to see if I have it you know I am not on insulin. He stated well your previous doctor diagnosed you as a full blown diabetes in which I was prone for because gestational diabetes with pregnancy. I said she never told me I was type 2 diabetic he said yes in the records she has you diagnosed with this disease since 2010. Me and my husband were flabbergasted. My husband told them that’s not true she never told her. I was with her all the time on her appointments and that doctor failed to tell my wife she had a deadly diseases, which if not treated could result in death. Hence the letter she sent me find a doctor because of worse can scenario death. These doctors are dropping ball with me and I don’t why. Well this year in Nov 2014 I went to him and said I do not feel good. Gave him my symptoms which includes paleness of skin, hot sweats all the time reddish rash on my left hand, bones and joint hurting excessively to the point no rest at night. My hand and feet burn all the time as if the are boiling from the inside. Migraines continuously every morning in the last few months. He told me there is nothing wrong with me and I need to start thinking myself healthy, that I don’t want to be everybody s Ginny pig. I said the lumps on my left hand started very tiny and now it is growing into a large unsightly red huge lump. He said maybe calcium deposits or cyst and now I have some growing on the insides of my thumbs. He turned around yelled at me and said I don’t trust his opinion which I am still waiting on a professional opinion, but told me to go home and think myself healthy. I am at loss and scared and don’t know what to do. I feel like death exhausted all the time and in pain and he tells me it s all in head with a white count of 17000 and hemoglobin 12 million. I myself yesterday googled my results and all signs point to polycythemia and multiple myeloma and it keeps coming out that way. I asked my ob about my hand he stated to see and RA doctor possibly so that’s why I talked with my PCP and then I get yelled at and told he going to let me go. I left crying. Confused of why no one will help me and it always comes back to my insurance that is Medicaid. He calls me back when I get home and apologizes and states he can t just let me go like that with diabetes and me needing my insulin. He said he can forgive me as long as we don’t talk about any of this again. He said but to appease you I have a oncologist next to me who is good in his field that they are great friends and he is a respected doctor and he will set me up with him. I said ok. I went to see the oncologist and the first things he states his that my PCP told him I keep complaining about not feeling good and that he knows I am smoker and that that probably is the problem. I said you have not ran any test yet how can you conclude that this is the problem? He smiled and smirked and said well with people like you it usually is and I probably won t quit because I live around smokers. I was so insulted by my first impression this specialist, but I didn’t question him. He sent me for a jax2 labs and to have a white count and hemoglobin done. Received the results from his secretary and the results given to me 15 hemoglobin and 16000 this time on WBC. She said doctors said to tell you it means your smoker, That he done all he can do for me and that’s it to keep following the opinion of my PCP. He didn’t call me in so I could express my questions to him, which I find very concerning and questionable. He said the jax2 was negative. But when I called them back and asked for a copy of my results I heard them whispering about me asking for them. She said to m I would receive them in a couple days. When I received them by mail the jax 2 was incomplete not negative incomplete,canceled due to insurance coverage. They were untruthful to me told me its was negative and it was canceled. I don’t know why. I don’t want give up. I have four beautiful children and a wonderful husband. I think they are just dropping the ball with me due to having government health care. I do not get government assistance like food stamps or cash, just receive healthcare. I am being treated in a horrible way just because of the health insurance I carry because I am not working at the time and my husband is on disability so we lost are blue cross, blue shield. The way I am talk to is just so insulting, very demeaning. I have went from 120 to 180 in three years and they don’t find that concerning when I barely eat anything just the usual lunch and dinner which are never that big. Please can someone help me find a doctor who will take me seriously before it cost me my life. I am still a young women in the prime of my life who feels terrible and is not being heard and afraid of losing my doctor or him getting mad at me if I express how I feel. I don’t speak up because I don’t know who trust anymore. I just want a chance at life to see my children grow up. Maybe I am wrong, I don’t know. I just want a test that is complete and the truth of why my blood counts are so very high & hemoglobin which is supposed to be at 4.2 is at 15 and they tell me no need to be concerned. With much appreciation, confusion & fustration Sincerely, Brenda Leaym