I have been ill for a week, had high fever or as my daughter told me I was burning up, couldn t stay awake for very long, bad cough, congestion, pains in my chest. I just came home from the ER where I have been since shortly after 1:00 pm. Sat in the waiting area until going on 5 p.m. Now the Dr. that came in checked my throat, looked in my left ear, and had me to breathe deep front and back. Told me if it was anything, it has passed Put me on Amoxicillin 500mg tid x 10 d. drink plenty of fluids. Rest adequately. See PCP if not better in 10 d. Return as needed. Diagnosis: Acute Sinusitis. Also told me to take Tylenol. I am a patient that has Chrons (?) Disease, diabetic, and high blood pressure, it has been in my medical records for years listed with my other allergies that I m not suppose to take any Tylenol, or anything of that sort. My question is should I take this medicine?