Hello, My father has teperature for over 2 weeks, the temperature is between 37,5 - 38,5. The temperature of 38,5 is mostly at night, and when he takes tablets for lowering temperature (ibrufen or some else), the temperature is falling but he sweats a lot. He is feeling tired, weak and losing appetite. He also caughts. Doctors in our hospital cant find out the origin of the temperature. Before the temperature started he had epididimitis which has been cured. At the first moment the doctors thaught that temperature is from pneumonia, but the x-ray and CT showed that there is no pneumonia. Doctors gave him antibiotic therapy but it showed no result. He also has small anemia and the liver enzim are higher than normal. CT-abdomen is 100 % clear. This week scintigrafia of bones and we are wating for the result. Next week he is going on gastroscopia. Can you help us ? What can be the source of temperature ?