I am a 62 year old woman. I think I may need a hip replacement I have had pain in lower back, down right leg into foot for years, but for two years now has been getting really bad, into the groan. I can t walk, sit, bend, lay down very well at all the pain being so bad . I feel a grinding of bones in the right leg high up some where in the hip area. Starting this week I have not been able to hold my urine if I wait to long to get up and go to the bathroom, it just comes by itself. The pain in now also, in my neck and moves down into both sides when standing and it feels like both of my sides are burning?( I am worried that it is my kidneys) or I just don t know what. My back is so bad that my body shakes and I quiver if I stand for to long with is not long at all. (5 mins. or so). I weigh 300 lbs and am afraid to go to my Dr. Would you please tell me what you think? Thank you Barbara