To start this off, I had my son October 2016 and then had a tubal ligation the middle of December 2016. I am 28 and have 4 children. From the time i had my csection at the end of October 2016 up until shortly before my tubal, I was bleeding. Finally, before the tubal, it had lightened up. After I had the tubal and DNC (they had to do a DNC due to there still being stuff as they called it in my uterus), I bled off and on until the first week in January 2016. I could tell my period started the second week in January and was 4.5 days long. Since, I have not had a period. Instead, i have had clear discharge, I m losing my hair fairly quickly, Im having severe hot flashes and am constantly warm, my sex drive is basically gone, and I constantly have pain in my lower pelvic area. Every time I have had sex with my husband, it usually causes me to have cramps the next day or two. Also, I m not sure if it has anything to do with this, but almost nightly, if I sleep on my left side, I wake up with my left lower pelvic area/back hurting. I d greatly appreciate your insight as my obgyn has not called me back after numerous calls regarding these issues.