Hi there, I have been experiencing symptoms since last year June. It started with mild bloating and indigestion. Within 2 months it had developed into severe indigestion and an epigastric pain that felt identical to when I was diagnosed with gallstones, although I had my gallbladder removed in 2010. Then I developed extremely painful spasms just below my sternum if i sat down for anything longer than a few minutes which made it difficult for me to breath, even after I stood up, it would take a full minute before I could breath properly again and before the pain subsided. Pain was waking me at 4.30 every morning. When the spasms came, they were accompanied by a burst of sweat and a rush of adrenaline. I have yellow loose stools. It feel as though something i grossly swollen inside and is pressing against my diaphragm/stomach when I sit down, although the spasms are not as painful now and I can sit for twenty minutes or so before I get too much pain. Bras hurt where the under-wire touch me even if they are a couple sizes too big. I have a lot of gas. It feels like whatever is swollen inside is producing some kind of fluid as that area sticks together inside. It feels like there is something musculature going on as well as something digestive. I stopped taking a medication that caused me to have increased muscle tone and I wonder if whilst my muscles were returning to normal, I could have strained something? I have had a normal Ultrasound Scan; normal barium swallow; mild gastritis on endoscopy, normal un-enhanced CT, except largely distended stomach. Stool culture showed no parasites. After I had the barium swallow, the spasms spread to my intestines also, and I had diarrhoea for 2 weeks, but that has stopped now. PPI's and H2 inhibitors make the pain worse, I have been tried on Lanzoprazole, Omeprazole, Nexium and ranitidine. Also when I get the swollen feeling inside, I get numbness, like something is pressing on a nerve or cutting something's supply off. My Gastroenterologist is stumped as to what is wrong with me and I am petrified.