Dear Doctors At Large, This not a question, but a statement candida/thrush/yeast infection. I had candida infection so bad from Symbicort I thought I would parish. I asked my primary doctor if candida/thrush/yeast infection can enter into my blood system. No, he told me. So, I study the situation and indeed this problem can cause extreme conditions via the blood system. Ever orifice in my body became irritated and inflamed to which I found no cure. I ended up Acute Colitis. I was loosing my memory cognitives. Upon being at my pulmonary doctors I read about side affects of symbicort. I immediately stopped using Symbicort. 3 months later I started to recover and rid myself of side affects. So, what meds do these people have in common? There is a common thread and I do believe the problem comes through medicine. . My opinion. Thank you. As Regards: Rollyn Kidd