my mother has got slight inflammation redness and itching burning sensation around her areola in right breast with orange skin type texture of the skin and realising slight pain under her armpit. the whole symptom doesnt remains always but it frequantly is occuring for two or three months . high res ultrasonography report says lymph node in left axilla. bilateral mamogram says ill defined density is seen in retroareolar region superiorly without any micro/macro calcification - BI-RADS - 4B and axillary lymph node is seen on right side. fnac report says ill defined diffuse right breast lesion, small and large monolayered clusters of cuboidal cells,cellularity variable,scattered oval naked nuclei and bipolar cells, small and large masses of fat cells which are normochromatic, background is clear. diagnosis of fnac is fibroadenosis. sir my question is it cancer?