Hello, I am four months post total abd hysterectomy, oophrectomy and cervix removal. I had this done because I had consistent bleeding for six months. Upon examination my uterus was the size of a pear, but bx came back negative, so we went ahead with the surgery. I am not a candidate for progesterone or other hormones. (when I was young tried birth control and had multiple blood clots as a result). I did not opt for the hormone therapy post surgery, (my mother had invasive intraductal breast cancer), given my history my ob and I thought not a great idea. I have noticed part of last month and this month, that occasionally I will have a severe burning sensation in my hips, knees, thoracic spine, and ankles. It is not all the time and is usually abated with two alleve. I have not been my usual active self, post surgery (wound did not heal properly, part of it did not close and it took several weeks for it to heal from the inside out), but all healed now. My Ob said I may resume my normal activities about a month ago, and I have just started running again, so I am feeling a little more myself, but this burning sensation in my major joints is a bit unusual, and actually hurts quite a lot. Is this all just post hysterectomy symptoms? (had horrible hot flashes instantly, and did not sleep for a full 4 hours together for almost two months-thank god for the magnet, it really helped to regulate my bodies cycle, and now rare hot flashes and I can sleep). This joint pain is a little concerning though. Is there something I should be doing to help expedite continued recovery from the TAH/