Hello, so I have a lot of inquiries. First, my face is always turning red and getting overly heated. It starts gradual but then it feels like a burst and my face turns into a deep red color. I then get very hot and start to sweat. Also, another question I had was about why I am always tired. I fall asleep at around 7:30 every night and I don t have the capacity to stay awake. Another problem I was having was the fact that I become out of breath very easily. Walking up 3 flights of stairs in my school has my breathing extremely heavy and my face gets red again. I also get random dizziness throughout the day. I also think I m a little bi-polar and maybe anxiety struck due to my mood swings. I want you to know however, I have a 140 IQ so I can realize all of my problems and cancel them out by thinking about them. Occasionally, my chest/heart begins to feel like a lot of pressure is being placed onto it. Also, I receive sharp pains in the corners of my abdomen. Recently, I have also been experiencing very bad hunger pangs, and it forces me to eat a lot of food. Lastly, I am easily distracted. I do not know if it is possible to have ADD with a high IQ, but I think I might because when getting taught something I easily zone out for the entire period. Please tell me if all of these are correlated into something very big, or if each is individual and I should receive help from a doctor.