Yes, Please help, within the past few weeks a few things have started to occur. I didn t think twice about them individually, but when I put them all together, I m kind of getting worried. First, I haven t been sleeping well at all. This is not necessarily new, but it has gotten worse. I fall asleep easily but wake up after about 3 hours of sleep and cannot go back to sleep. My doctor gave me a prescription for a sleep med, but if I take one it does nothing, two makes me feel drugged in the morning. Second symptom, tingling/numbness in my fingers. Right now my left index finger is completely numb. The tingling comes and goes. Third, a stabbing pain right behind my left eye. Lasts for a few seconds then goes away. Fourth, muscle cramps at night. So bad that I have had to get up and walk around the house stretching. Not sure what it all means, but when I google it, I m a little nervous.