Thankyou for your query and welcome to healthcare magic.
Insomnia/reduced sleep, tiredness and
drowsiness are known side effects of
However do not decrease the dose/stop metoprolol without consulting your doctor. Metoprolol is used for treatment of
hypertension and certain cardiac conditions. Usually the benefits of metoprolol outweight the risks of side effects.
Any other disorder like sleep apnoea ,
thyroid disorder,
depression, other medications should also be ruled out for the cause of insomnia.
I recommend that you consult your doctor to get further evaluated and see if you can have alternative medication to metoprolol.
Meanwhile you can try some sleep hygeine techniques to help better your sleep like
-Going to bed almost the same time every day
-Avoid napping during day
-do not read or use mobile devices and computers in bed
-Go to bed with lights swithched off.
-Avoid coffee and sugary drinks before going to sleep
Hope I was able to answer your question
Please feel free to address any more concerns