Thanks for trusting Healthcaremagic.
I have gone through your query and I can understand your concerns.
Probable Diagnosis:
Cervical radiculopathy.
Investigations :
MRI scan
Outcome : Moderate to good.
The symptoms you have mentioned suggest the possibility of a condition called "cervical radiculopathy",but before commencing the treatment we have to rule out other musculoskeletal conditions.
Cervical radiculopathy is a condition caused by compression of your nerve caused by
herniated disc on your neck or some other conditions.
I suggest you to consult an orthopedician and you need a detailed physical examination to make a definite diagnosis.A clinical test called "Spurling’s test" used to make a diagnosis.
Imaging studies like MRI may be needed to know the severity of disease.
Nerve conduction study is also needed.
Treatment is by non surgical methods in most of the cases by
physiotherapy,pain management,and life style modifications.Surgery required only if conservative measures fail.
Hope I have answered your query.
Wishing you good health.