I have right sided pelvic pain. I have had a CT scan, bone scan, ultrasound, and numerous blood tests. It has been decided that it is ovarian pain but with no exams to back it up. My ob/gyn NP thinks that it may be adhesions that have actually pulled my right ovary forward and out of it s natural position, making it more painful if I ve been active for long periods of time, and painful during sexual intercourse. She recommended deep massage to the area to potentially break up any adhesions that may be there, but this increases the pain from my right groin/hip to my rib cage on the affected side. Is there any other tests we should do? Is there anyway to relieve this pain? I m an RN, and afraid some days that this pain is going to stop me from being able to do my job as it can get so bad that I want to double over and need to sit down, feeling faint from it. Thanks in advance.