For the last 2 months (approximately) I ve had the following: - intermittent bleeding between periods (Not spotting. Occurring every few days & lasting anywhere between 20m & 6h. Is sometimes watery, othertimes more period like & heavy. Have never had this issue before.) - light bleeding after sex - excessive tiredness / fatigue - abdominal pain (like really bad cramps) - constantly feeling full even when i haven t eaten - needing to pee way to often - feeling faint or lightheaded, especially in the morning - headaches at night - pain in the entrance to the vagina (this started 2 days ago. It is a constant stinging or burning feeling with a pain of 3/10 & every 10-20 minutes i get stabbing pains in the same area with a pain of 6/10) I ve been on the same contraceptive pill for years & have never had an issue with it. I ve been with my current boyfriend for about 9 months & did a std test before we got together, as well as 3 & 6 months after we first slept together (just to be safe) so i dont think it s anything like that. I eat well & drink lots of water as well. I first went to the dr almost 2 months ago when it first started, they suggested I wait a week or two to see if the issues were ongoing or not & it continued so i went back & the dr did a pap smear & said there was an abnormal result (was not specific as to what the abnormality was or what grade & didn t seem even slightly concerned. The dr then recommended an ultrasound (internal & external), the results came back & the radiologist couldn t find anything unusual. The dr has now recommended i see a specialist at the private hospital & is arranging a referal but said it could be weeks or even months before i actually see someone. Where i live there are no other specialists & all the gynecologists are at the private hospital where you need a referral to see them. These are the only tests / scans that have been performed. The doctor doesn t seem to have any idea what it could be or what other tests to do & has no real suggestions whatsoever other than see how it goes & to see the specialist (again this could be months). This is really starting to effect my personal, work & quality of life. Do you have any idea what this could be? What to suggest? Where to go from here? Anything at all would be greatly helpful & appreciated.