i got the implanon on july 13th, day three of my period for that month, before getting the implanon my periods came every three-four weeks, and were often pretty manageable never had issues with cramps, heavy flows or anything, they were always fairly light, short (4 days long) after getting the implanon i started getting my periods every two weeks, and eventually they started lasting longer upto 6-9 days long. they started lasting longer from my september period up to now (december). in november i started getting double periods, one period will last about four days, then exactly a week later i’ll get another period for three days, then have two weeks free, then 6 day period, three days later id get my period again for another 5 days, then 8 days later (today) i’ve started my period. other than my periods coming more often and sometimes lasting a bit longer than usual nothing else has changed, nothing physical, bloating, weight gain/loss, etc, they’re still as light as they were before the implanon, my cramps haven’t been worse than before. (yes i have had unprotected sex since having the implanon and lots of it so i dont know if that might be a factor of my problems or if it could become a problem i dont know)