Hi,Dear,Welcome with your query to HCM.
Studied your query in full depth of its details.Reviewed it in context of your health concerns.
Based On the facts,Dear, you need to consult ER
Urologist or ER Surgeon who would asses your case for the
Kidney Stone- in relation to the past history of yours 14 yrs back.
Yes, You may be right in thinking that it is kidney stone.But also don't forget to rule out the Right sided pain due to the Gall Stone Colick,which may mimic like a kidney stone.
Emergency X-ray KUB /
CT SCan Abdomen for KUB /
Gall Bladder stones and or-by EUS-Endoscopic Ultrasonographic Study would be needed to rule out the small pancreatico-ampullary duct Cancer lesions,which could be missed.
Radiodiagnosis with Clinical assessment from the Surgeon and Uro-Surgeon would fix the cause of the
stabbing pain radiating in the waist area on right side.
This reply would help you to plan further treatment soon with your treating doctors.Best of Luck and early recovery.
Welcome any further query in this regard,which would be replied in next
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist