I have had pain in my mid back on the left on and off for months. I have had a number of urine samples show blood and protein in the past, and as recently as 2 weeks ago, but my latest one was clear. What s confusing me is that this pain has escalated quite shapely over the last 3/4 weeks. I feel as though I m being kicked, permanently. I struggle to go anywhere without a hot water bottle for temporary relief and am popping painkillers with alarming frequency, just to get through the days in work. The weekends, I literally lie on the sofa or go to bed. Small trips out tire me right outand despite having been given antibiotics, the pain was really severe last night and radiated to the front. I felt as though my insides were being sliced. I am so feel nauseous - this escalates, as thesis comfort in my mid back increases. I can t bear being touched at the front just under my ribs in the middle either as it hurts when pressed. I m exhausted and weary with it as its been going on for so long.