Around Thanksgiving started feeling heart skip. It persisted started feeling it more. Dull ache in back just below shoulder night had spell of feeling numb. Went to visit mom and stayed night. Laid down and was very dizzy after laying down. Decided to get up to see if would help. Got worse so sat down for while. Got better. Couldn t sleep for anxiety had taken over by then. Went to ER. Heart rate, blood pressure, blood work was good. Kept having these spells heavy to moderate, fluttering of heart and numbness with dull ache behind shoulder blade. Had spell at work where I ve worked 10 years and never left work sick but once. Had numbness and weak trembles. Legs were so weak at one point I thought they were going to buckle. Went to ER. Heart rate, blood pressure, blood work good once again. That was about 3 months ago. Since, areas of pain have expanded to chest and arm on left. This past Tuesday, I was on job driving and had bad pain on right jaw bone and expanded from jaw to neck to center of my chest. Pulled over waited about 5 min and pain eased. Felt like was beginning again. Was about 10 miles from a hospital so guess what, went to ER. Every thing was good. Wrote rx for protonix. Only taken 3 nights. Had trouble today with tightness in chest and pain in center of chest and went up into my throat. Afterwards had some weakness. Please help!!!