Hi thanks for contacting HCM.
Noted you feel internally hot...
Means slight feverish ness....
It could be from first
common cold or viral flu like initial infection.
Just now symtomatic management done...
Take more water.
Levocetrizine like antihistaminic taken to relieve inflammation...
If fever occurs
paracetamol can be taken...
And if congestion more like runny nose, red eye then decongestive like
oxymetazoline or short course of steroid needed if required....
If symptoms increasing then CBC done to look for
neutrophilia or high count...
Peripheral smear examination also done to detect parasite if sweating and chills present ex.malarial parasite...
If you develop cough and fever then by chest x ray
bronchitis and consolidation ruled out....
If by allergy blocked nose present then steam inhalation also useful....
Take care....
Mostly you will be alright in two days.
If not improving then you can keep these suggestion in mind and consult doc.for proper examination.....