Thanks for posting your query to Healthcaremagic.
I went through your query. Pain at the site mentioned by you could be caused due to multiple causes . Some common causes are :
1. Kidney Stones : If the stones are small it passes down from kidney to bladder causing pain anywhere between upper part of abdomen to genital region.
Colitis : It is infection of the gut , but usually it will be associated with loose motions but rarely it can cause
3. Sub
Acute Intestinal obstruction : It is partial obstruction of your gut .
Hernia :
Pelvic Inflammatory disease ( if you are a female )
So you need certain tests to get evaluated for these conditions. Also I need more information on your problem.
Your Sex ? Age ?
Any Urinary problems ?
Any discharge from Penis or Vagina?
Any vomiting?
Any fever?
Get the following test done and revert back .
Ultrasound Abdomen pelvis, Urine routine, Serum
Amylase .
I advise you to drink plenty of water , fruit juice, avoid non veg food and eat more of vegetables and fruits.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarifications feel free to ask .