Thanks for contacting HCM with your health concern
Consult a Neurologist for your symptoms for a meticulous neurological examination and investigation because of the following reason:
i. recent studies have associated specific gene variant with
restless leg syndrome [RLS] [history in mother]
ii. low level of iron in the brain is also responsible for RLS [check with the same]
iii. Since it is associated with dysfunction of the basal ganglia [which causes decrease in dopamine and subsequent parkinsonism] thus people with RLS can suffer from concomitant parkinson and vise versa.
iv. often conditions like kidney failure,diabetes,
peripheral neuropathy are thought to be hidden/aggravating cause of RLS [so should be managed simultaneously,if present]
v. one has to exclude certain medications which may aggravate the symptoms like: : metoclopramide,haloperidol antidepressants and some cold and allergy medications
vi. Alcohol and
sleep deprivation also may aggravate or trigger symptoms in some individuals.
2. since there is no specific test to detect RLS thus the physician has to rely mostly on the physical symptoms,aggravating and relieving factors, although blood test may be performed to rule out other conditions like low blood iron,
vitamin deficiency, and if needed
polysomnography may detect any other cause [sleep apnea] of RLS which may influence management of disorder.
3. Apart from medicine one can start with:
. decrease use of caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco
. supplements to correct deficiencies in iron, folate, and magnesium
. maintain a regular sleep pattern
. alternate heat/ice pack with a program of moderate exercise.
4. Dopaminergic drugs which are used to treat parkinson disease have been shown to improve symptoms of RLS and Requip [ropinirole] is one of them and short term use is recommended since long term use can lead to worsening of symptoms in may individuals including OCD [
obsessive compulsive behaviour]
5. RLS although is a chronic frustrating condition for which there is no cure, however with use of medicine one can control the disorder, alleviate symptoms with periods of restful sleep.
6. For more information, one can check the following link:
i. Workshops and conferences sponsored by the NINDS [National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke] as well as non government organizations have emphasized the need for further research on animal models and the complex roles of dopamine interaction with iron levels. For example, serum ferritin, an index of iron deficiency, has been shown to predict the severity of RLS symptoms in older individuals.
ii. In other related research, NINDS scientists are conducting studies to better understand the physiological mechanisms of PLMS associated with RLS.
iii. One contact the Institute's Brain Resources and Information Network (BRAIN) at:
P.O. Box 5801
Bethesda, MD 20824