Hello, I ve been having several issues but the most notable are for the past 2 years my periods have become more and more irregular. I am 28 years old and am moderately active (exercise 2x a week and have a job with a lot of standing, walking). I eat a fairly healthy diet. My period will skip every 3 months or so, sometimes more. I used to have very regular cycles, every 28 days for 5 days. Now I never know when it is happening. I am on an oral contraceptive, Torina. I ve never had issues with BCP changing my cycles UNLESS I intentionally skipped the placebo week and went on to a new pack. Which is something I haven t done for quite some time. I ve been to the urgent care and ER several times for severe abdominal/back (in between the shoulder blades) pain - and constipation was determined to be the cause. I ve been having a lot of difficulty with my memory - I can t remember things the way I used to. I have been finding myself becoming more anxious lately, and having panic attacks. I ve been disoriented on 4 occasions within this month where I don t know where I am. My ears ring all the time but sometimes it gets so loud it s unbearable. My libido has completely disappeared. I am tired all the time, despite how much sleep I get. I am thirsty all the time, despite how much water I drink. I feel very depressed and just not right . Please any advice?