i can understand your concern.
irregular periods in your age group are mostly
hormonal in origin.
i would like to know your height and weight.
if you are on the higher side a weight reduction with diet and exercises is definitely advised.
i would suggest a complete hormonal test for you to know the status of the hormones in the body.
ultrasound pelvis is also advised to rule out presence of any cysts in ovaries or any other uterine anamoly.
anemia can also be a concern in your age. a complete blood picture is also advised.
eat a healthy balanced diet which includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
do regular physical activity.
based on the reports hormones along with anemia correction with iron and
folic acid would be the mainstay of treatment in your case.
do get back to us with the reports.
feel free to ask further queries.
i hope i have answered your concerns.
thanks for choosing HCM