Hi my name is Daniela and Im 18, me and my boyfriend live together and have sex rarely but my last 3 periods been very unusual......I usually have my period regularly but now they been funny......on 04/09/15 I started my period but only had it for 3days, I spotted one day then it got heavy, the next day then started spotting again then it ended.... a month later on 05/06/15 I had another period but this time I had it for 7 days but it was still a little funny , I started off with spotting then it got heavy then Started spotting then it got heavy then started spotting again then ended.......but this period is really off ...I ve never experienced this kind of period before ,all May me and my boyfriend didn t have sex until May 21 but the last time me and him had sex before that was on April 26 but we had sex all that week before, when we had sex on May 21 we had sex for the next following 3day but on Sunday May 24 I saw a little bit of blood after we finished but didn t think nothing of it but the next day I started spotting again and kept spotting till Thursday May 28 then the bleeding got a little heavier but still kinda like spotting then on Saturday May 30 it got heavier like a period and I m still bleeding but it s starting to get lighter and lighter as the days go on , me and my boyfriend have unprotected sex, I was wondering if I could be pregnant or if this may be some kind of problem, I hope all my information I gave u can help u give me an explanation for this problem I m having, please get back to me as soon as u can Thanks Daniela!