Hello,I am on Nexplanon birth control and have been for about 7 months now. My doctor assured me that I would not get pregnant with this birth control. I had very irregular bleeding for a while, then my doctor put me on Sprintec to make my periods more regular. I finished the Sprintec probably about a month or two ago and haven t had a period since. I know that irregular bleeding and no periods are a very common side effect to Nexplanon, but I also seem to be having some back pain and my nipples are a little sore. I saw that these were some side effects to the Nexplanon, but I just wanted to make sure what a lot of the symptoms were for Nexplanon. I was also told that the side effects usually mirrored pregnancy side effects as well so I just wanted to know if that was the case. Once again, my doctor assured me that I would not get pregnant with this birth control so I just want to make sure that these side effects are normal with the implant. Thank you!