I last had sex on Sunday, June 19th. Two days later I began to feel sick…a simple sore throat turned into a fever of 100.7 and slight nausea that same night. The fever went away the next day because I took medicine, and the nausea subsided but it took me a good 4 days to start feeling like myself. Two weeks went by and I ended up being 3 days late for my period and got it on Saturday, July 9th. I thought I may have been pregnant til I got my period. Flash forward to this month…I was due for my period this past Saturday, the 6th, and still have yet to get it making me 4 days late as of tomorrow. I am never normally late for my period. I usually get my period every 28-29 days. The last time I was late for my period I ended up being pregnant. I guess my question is do you think I have anything to worry about? When I was pregnant before, it was a very easy pregnancy…I had no morning sickness, no nausea, no craving, no nothing. The only time I felt ‘off’ or unlike my normal self was the very first week of my pregnancy. I've also been constipated for the last week or so. I keep feeling like I have to make a bowel movement but nothing happens. Thoughts?