One of my eyes is constantly irritated (foreign body sensation) and the upper eyelid only is swollen to almost double the size of the other one. I use Restasis and, on very bad days (I work in front of a computer), also use steroid eyedrops prescribed by my doctor (prednisolone?). NOTHING seems to help. I don t have rosacea on my face or in the other eye. I don t have blepharitis (no crusting, watering, etc.). I don t have any allergies that I know of (and can t imagine how that could affect one eye but never the other). I don t even think this eye is particularly dry, since on very bad days when my eyelid goes berserk, the Restasis is useless. I just have one very, very angry eye that is always irritated, and one very swollen upper eyelid. Please help!