Hi, I have tight foreskin from early childhood. Ten years before, I had a red spot on my penis. I went to the doctor, he put me on courses of antibacterial cream, then a four week course of topical and oral antifungal. When this didn t work he put me on steriods both topical and oral. In all these phases there were reduced inflammation. But it never resolved and even after a long course of these (steriods were more helpful) there was still a pink spot remaining. I was so tired of going to different doctors that I totally gave up when one more doctor said it is allergic and asked me to just stop using any kind of soap and keep the area clean. This problem has persisted since then. Earlier sometimes it used to itch, but now I think there is less/no itching. If I don t touch it for a day even for a bath, it becomes bit better. One year before, my foreskin got stuck with the glan and even when I tried to move them apart, it was not possible. Everytime I tried that there is hightened inflammation of the area for at least a week. Recently, I went to a urologist. He has asked me to go through a biopsy. And he told me after the biopsy results he would seperate the foreskin from the glans. I asked him if circumcision is required. To which he said no. In the area I am it takes a long time for government medical system to go through the procedure. So I am waiting for the appointment. However, I have been reading about the various conditions again and wanted to get an opinion. In addition to this problem I have following health problems (I don t know if they have any relavence to the case): 1. I have IBS. It gets flaired up with different food items. I am on a FODMAP diet for over an year. This has made the IBS symptoms go away. 2. The whole pubic area has irritation. Also close to anus. It gets resolved in some days and is problematic in summers. 3. I have recurrent dandruff problems. No red patches though.