Hello my dear
I am Dr.Arianisa
Thanks for your question on HCM
If your discharge is thin and watery, or thick and white (like cottage cheese), you may have thrush. This common
fungal infection causes intense itchiness and soreness around your vagina. The discharge may smell slightly yeasty, but doesn't have a strong smell.
Vaginal thrush is fairly harmless, but it can be uncomfortable. It can also keep returning – this is known as recurrent (or complicated) thrush.
In most cases, thrush can be easily treated with either a tablet that you take orally or anti-thrush pessaries, which are inserted into your vagina. Anti-thrush creams are also available, which you apply to the skin around the vagina to ease any soreness and itchiness. If you are using an antifungal tablet, you may prefer to use an ordinary
emollient (moisturiser) near your vagina, as antifungal creams can sometimes cause irritation.
Treatment works well for most women, and vaginal thrush usually clears up within a few days.However, about 1 in 20 women may have recurrent thrush
Hope you get better soon
Best regards