Hello and thanks for sharing your problem with HCM.
I am sorry that you have been through 6 weeks of discomfort. Itching and swelling in the vagina is often due to infection. As you have already sought
medical help 4 times, I hope that infection has been ruled out. They should have carried out a speculum exam to visualize the walls of the vagina and the cervix for any redness or thinning, performed a Pap smear and obtained a satisfactory sample with normal results. Warts are usually visible and will be clearly seen during examination. I do hope a
urinary tract infection has also been ruled out.
Low estrogen can also result in itching and discomfort in the vagina. Estrogen levels can drop after childbirth,
breastfeeding, surgical removal of ovaries, menopause, chemo and radiotherapy, and anti-estrogen drugs that treat uterine fibroids and
endometriosis. Certain antidepressants, anti-allergy medications and douching can also cause these symptoms. If you are douching, please stop as this will aggravate your condition.
Topical estrogen therapy can help
vaginal dryness. Topical estrogen helps replace the hormones missing in the vagina without excessively elevating the levels in your blood stream. Examples include Estring (a vaginal estrogen ring), vaginal estrogen tablet or even vaginal estrogen cream. However, there might be side effects such as bleeding and breast pain. Women who are breastfeeding, have had breast or
endometrial cancer and experience
abnormal vaginal bleeding should not use topical estrogen therapy.
Discuss this option with your regular doctor. If you do use a feminine hygiene wash, please use one that is pH-appropriate.
I hope this advice helps. Take care and thanks
Dr Shabnam