Welcome to health care magic
What you have described seems to be due to
eye infection called conjuctivitis.It may be viral or bacterial.
It is not due to drugs you have mentioned.
Further management depends upon the type of conjuctivitis.
You need to get your eyes evaluated by an opthalmologist for that purpose.
If it is viral,it may resolve on its own in 2 weeks.Steroidal eye drops may be prescribed for decreasing inflammation.However,it is mainly associated with certain complications like corneal opacities.It has to be closely monitored under guidance opthalmologist.
If it is bacterial,
topical antibiotic drops containing moxifloxacin/
gatifloxacin can be used for 5-7 days.
Always wash your hands with soap and water after touching the infected eye as it is highly contagious.
Avoid sharing your towels,goggles with others.
avoid wearing
contact lens for long or replace them if they have been used for long time(in case you use contact lens)
Management of cold,cough,
fever as directed by your physician.
Hope this information helps.
Feel free to ask any more query.