Hi and thanks for sharing your concern with HCM.
Itching in the labia or
vulva can be due to
contact dermatitis due to irritation caused by the material of the inner garment or residual detergent, pantyliner, feminine wash or even after shaving. A less pleasant possibility is crabs or pubic lice. Infestation with lice (phthirus pubis) can cause
severe itching. These usually spread via sexual contact. They can also be spread through linen and blankets (less common).
Consider the possibilities. Use cotton undies and a gentle detergent (be sure you don't use too much). Change pantyliners regularly and use a pH friendly feminine wash. If you shave, change your shaving blade. Some people's skin cannot withstand shaving and as shaved hair can thicken / become ingrown - consider waxing if this is your problem.You could use a gentle
topical steroid cream like
hydrocortisone and apply it twice daily to the area where the skin is splitting. Once the skin is better, use a fragrance free moisturizer and apply daily.
Regarding a possible
lice infestation, use a magnifying glass and flashlight and carefully examine yourself. Lice are pale gray but turn black after feeding off blood. Their eggs look like tiny white specks and are often found at the roots of pubic hair. If you do have an infestation, visit your pharmacy and request a over-the-counter topical product to rid yourself of the infestation. You will also need to decontaminate your clothing and linen to rid yourself of the infestation.
If there is no improvement after a few days, do visit your regular doctor.
I hope this answers your question satisfactorily. Thanks
Dr Shabnam