Hi, thank you. I am trying to decide if it is necessary to have my foot examined again. Short history is: Last Monday, redness and swelling began at the base of my small toe and the itching was intense, symptoms continued to worsen with small blisters forming all over my small toe and the base of the next toe. I went to an urgent care clinic on the morning 12/31. The doc confirmed cellulitis and prescribed Omnicef, 300 mg, as well as Bactrim DS. On 1/2, it continued to worsen so I returned to that clinic. The doc told me to double up on the Bactrim and gave me an injection of Ancef and I had to return yesterday. He really wanted to admit me. On that day, another red, warm spot appeared in the top of my foot so I marked the borders(the original area had also been marked). Yesterday, the inflammation is reduced overall in my foot except for the small toe. Important thing that I forgot to mention is that the blisters have been weeping continuously. The small toe is very sensitive to toe posteriorly and the is still some dark red skin in that area. I don t want to run to the doc is it isn t necessary but I don t want to assume the foot is healing as it should. I have now had 4 doses of the doubled Bactim DS. After all of this, my question is- Do I still need to give the antibiotics more time before I need to get it rechecked? Thank you for any info. And I understand that you are limited by no physical asset! Lisa