I began taking Norco 10/325 every four hours in the hospital after knee replacement surgery on Oct. 4th 2016. At times in the hospital, it seemed too strong and I would miss one or two times, but then I was released on Oct. 7th. A nurse came to my home on Oct. 8th and I told her I experienced my throat closing and extreme itching everywhere on my body. She said I must be having an allergic reaction and to stop taking it. I couldn t find anything else online for pain to suggest to my doctor, so after 24 hours, I felt I would restart Norco at one per day. I did that for two days. Now, that it is Oct. 18th, I have increased Norco to four 10/325 per day and having the same extreme itching and subtle closing to my throat with itching to the roof of my mouth and eyes. My inner eyes red and itchy. Tonight, my ears felt so swelled up and extreme itching inside. I have had such extreme swelling to my surgical knee and leg area, especially, my foot, I wonder if the Norco has increased my leg and foot swelling?