I was diagnosed with shingles 2 days ago by a dermatologist after 3 visits in a week. The initial breakout was 10 days ago on my nose. (diagnosed as contact dermatitis, then maybe staph, finally correctly). At that time there were new blisters by my hairline, (one week later). I think I am still about to have another breakout on my forehead as it is swollen, itchy and red ( the whole left side is swollen) My eye Dr. referred to the rash on nose as Hutchinsons sign. Is it typical to have days between breakouts? I am afraid is going to end up in my eye. I am currently prescribed 1gm of Valtrex 3x a day, along with gabapentin. Thanks for your reply as I am concerned about returning to work, but don t want to return until I am feeling well and comfortable. I still feel weak and have a constant headache.