I am a 35 year old female, brown skin in complexion (Indian origin). I noticed a small dark brown spot on my chest in April, but soon after that I started getting more spots on my chest, face, neck, belly, back and arms. I visited the doctor on May 10th and he prescribed a compounded mixture for my face and neck because my cheeks, around my mouth and my neck was extremely dark compared to the natural color of my skin. The compound contained - Hydroquinone /Hydrocortisone /Tretinonin /Tripeptide /Hyaluronic Acid 7/1/0.05/3/0.1% The doctor prescribed another cream - Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP, 0.1% for my chest and other body parts. I used it as prescribed but it has not cleared up. The discoloration on my neck and face lightened a little though. Presently, the affected areas on my chest, belly, back and arms are itchy and I noticed a few spots on my thighs and buttocks area. N.B. The colouration of the marks look like old bruises (purplish in color)